048: Learn How To Do A Personal Monthly Review part 2

048: Learn How To Do A Personal Monthly Review part 2

048: Learn How To Do A Personal Monthly Review Part 2

by Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, Sam Tea


What an amazing episode this was, maybe even the most powerful episode we have had so far. When we first started this podcast, it was all about helping people to GYST. We have had some fun episodes and some that even have deep touching moments, but this is the first real episode dedicated to helping people GYST and getting their reactions.

In the studio, we welcome back two former guests, Emily Badgley from the Humility Episode, and Aaron Eide, from the Exploring Your Passions episode (both are linked at the bottom). We also had Matt Badgley with us. All three got a sneak preview of the “Monthly Review” exercise and completed it themselves.

In this special episode,we learn how the monthly review impacted each of them, and how they are forever changed because of it. Matt & Emily even made a plan to have their family do this monthly review.

Join us for this very impactful and special episode.

Podcast episodes we mentioned in this podcast:

047: Learn How To Do A Personal Monthly Review

047: Learn How To Do A Personal Monthly Review


This week we have something very special in store for you!  we’ve got a 2 part series on our very own GYST Podcast monthly review!  you’ve heard the team discuss this in past episodes and how it’s helped Rohit truly review his entire year.  As we attempt to do a yearly review and prepare to make goals and resolutions, we find out how difficult it is to reflect on a full 12 month period without breaking it into smaller manageable chunks.  With this monthly review you’ll have all the tools you need to begin noticing patterns in your life and how to take action on those patterns.

The team starts by going around the table and each reviewing some positives and negatives from each of the 3 categories that we have defined in this review template. Those are as follows: Professional/Business, Personal, Spiritual. 

As the discussion begins Kyle takes on the professional category and reviews some of the highlights and lowlights for June and starts finding where he can make adjustments in order to grow in February.  This also leads to discovering how difficult it can sometimes be allowing to give yourself praise.  we often times are too hard on ourselves and have trouble patting ourselves on the back when something truly is going well.

Rohit shared with the team the Personal category.  now this can include relationships, friendships, family as well as material things or achievements and shortfalls.  With us Rohit discussed in brief just a few of the things from his month as the list was rather extensive.  please find the list attached to this episode on our website Gystpodcast.com.

For the final category Sam took on spiritual growth.  this can be a difficult topic for some although Sam took to it like a moth to a flame!  going through quite a few challenging times with family and personal health over the past 2 months Sam has had the opportunity to really sit down and  reflect and make the changes necessary to begin moving in the right direction.

You’re in for a treat this week as this was the first time we had a live studio audience!  you’ll hear from them in part 2 of this 2 part series special.

046: 7 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People

046: 7 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People


By now, we have all heard of Steven Covey’s all-time bestselling book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. This life-altering book has influenced some of the most productive people in the world. But while it shares with you 7 steps to make you more effective, it’s important to take a look at some of the habits of those who are the opposite, and struggle every day. 7 Habits of Unsuccessful People is our answer to that.

We first got the idea of this episode while reviewing our notes from one of Rohit’s most influential mentors, Jerry “DRhino” Clark! Go Go Go!

Here is a breakdown of the 7 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People. Unsuccessful people:

  1. They get “Hung” by Their Own Tongue: We all know negative people, those Debbie Downers who somehow always find a way to take any situation and find the bad in it. In fact, they are so accustomed to always finding and disempowerment into their lives that they don’t even realize they are doing it. Instead of seeing the opportunity behind situations, they find a way to see the problems behind them. These are the people who believe always ask, “what’s the catch” and that things are “too good to be true.” They are so comfortable with this that they don’t even realize that they do it.
  2. They are “Wimps”: A lot of people will confuse this for laziness, but it’s different. People who are wimps just want the easier route and expect success. They aren’t willing to put in the effort or take the “road less traveled” because they aren’t willing to fight for their dreams.
  3. They are Blabber Mouths: These are the people who take up all the time and control the conversation because they simply talk too much. They love being the center of attention and even more than that, playing the victim in life. Nothing is ever their fault. “If only” becomes the key phrase that drives their life. They are in a constant battle with their sub-conscious because they will fight till the end to “hold on” to what-ever gets people to feel sorry for them.
  4. They are Paranoid: When you believe that everyone is against you, you don’t see things another way. Every little setback becomes an over-exaggerated fiasco. They never really make much traction on projects because they are so afraid of getting outside their own comfort zone, or even getting out of their own way.
  5. They Give Up Easily: Successful people know that failing at something, just means that you are just eliminating a way it cannot happen, and need to find another path. Failures are simply stepping stones to success and something that will come up over and over again. But for others, they have a tendency to call it quits at the first sign of trouble. They are excited to get started, but quickly lose interest when they find that things are as easy as they first thought they would be. They are always on the hunt for something easier!
  6. Misery Loves Company: Unsuccessful people love bringing people down to their level so they can be right. Instead of putting in the difficult work and being smart about things, they find it easier to spread rumors and criticize others because it gives off the appearance that they are “smarter” than others. At the end of the day, they have no thoughts about improving their lives, and want to surround themselves by others who feel the same.
  7. They are Chronic Complainers: If only their company would pay them more money, if only their spouse was more supportive, if only the economy was more stable, if only the Mariners would win the World Series, if only… if only… if only… They live their lives by finding external forces to hold accountable on why they aren’t as successful as they want to be. It’s everyone and everything’s fault that they aren’t where they want to be.

Maybe we went a bit overboard with some of these things, but we come across people who believe all these things so much, hold onto these self-limiting beliefs so tightly, that without even thinking about it, their subconscious will create more situations to help support their beliefs.

045: Movies That Have Impacted Us

045: Movies That Have Impacted Us


Does art imitate life or does life imitate art?  Movies, movies, movies.  What are they good for?  Entertainment?  A creative outlet?  Money making machine?  When reviewing this topic Sam, Rohit and Kyle discuss many things and review a few of their favorites.  As the conversation goes on our hosts focus on the top movies that have made an impact on their life and how it did so.  You’ll hear just that from Rohit Sam and Kyle.  I’ve added a list of the top ten movies of the past decade courtesy of Rolling Stone Magazine to get the creative juices flowing so you can come up with your own list along with us!

Lord of the Rings, Mystic River, The Departed, Brokeback Mountain, The Incredibles, No Country for Old Men, History of Violence, Mulholland Drive, Children of Men, There will Be Blood.

Movies that have made the greatest impact for the GYST Crew:

The Godfather

The Green Mile



Shawshank Redemption

Christmas Vacation

Star Wars

What Dreams May Come



A Bronx Tale

Road to Perdition

044: Letting Go

044: Letting Go


Letting go can be a very difficult thing to do.  Even in very toxic situations.  Whether it’s money or material items,  or relationships with loved ones we tend to have trouble letting go of things that may be hurting us and taking away from our well-being.  What causes this behavior?  In this week’s episode,  we uncover some very personal details of one of our very own while discussing this topic and deep dive into some of his history of letting go.  In doing so Sam, Rohit and Kyle analyze 6 indicators they have identified that you can also use to see when it is time to let go of something before it becomes a further detriment to your well-being and overall health.

043: 3 Steps to New Years Resolutions

043: 3 Steps to New Years Resolutions

043: 3 Steps to New Years Resolutions

by Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, Sam Tea


January 15th.  That is the magic date.  By January 15th more that 95% of people will have broken their New Year’s resolution.  What causes people to break their New Year’s resolutions so easily.  Kyle and Rohit made New Year’s resolutions on the podcast last year with Robyn.  Did they make or break theirs?  Find that out as we explore this topic.  We’ll also review some of the reasons most people don’t follow through and some of things you can do to achieve those elusive New Year’s resolutions.  Join your favorite podcast hosts Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila and Samnang Tea for another great episode.

Podcast episodes we mentioned in this podcast:

042: Reflecting on the Year

042: Reflecting on the Year


How many of you truly reflect on the previous year?  Accomplishments?  Shortcomings?  What worked and what didn’t?  What is your benchmark for success?  What makes it so difficult to reflect on the entire year?  That is exactly what the team covers in this week’s episode which is all about reflecting on 2016.  Most of us don’t think about our goals or accomplishments throughout the year and only attempt to do so as the year approaches its end.  Would that work in business?  If you never reviewed progress weekly/monthly and waited until the end of the year to estimate an organizations success how well do you think that business would do?  We’ll review the difficulties with this and provide some tools to overcome this very issue that can be used by everyone.

Podcast episodes we mentioned in this podcast:

041: Making the Most of the Holidays

041: Making the Most of the Holidays


My how the time has flown by this year.  I can’t believe that it’s already Christmas! In honor of this magical time, we’ve decided to discuss how we make the most of the holidays. Since you don’t have anything else to do tune in to hear how Kyle, Sam and Rohit make the most of the Holidays. Whether you have time honored traditions or you sit at home and relax we want you to really enjoy it! A few things that the guys discuss are those traditions, what it is really important to you. Avoid saying the phrases “I’m busy” and “I don’t have enough time” and replace them with actions. Accept every invitation, as Rohit says. Make time. If something is truly important then you’ll find a way. So, this holiday season enjoy your time, enjoy your company, and most of all enjoy our podcast.

Rohit Rohila, Kevin Taylor, Glen Rux, Alex Myles, Gavin Fulton, Kamal Kalra, Christina Saephanh

Books we mentioned in this podcast:

Getting Things Done

Podcast episodes we mentioned in this podcast:

040- “Shelf” Help

040- “Shelf” Help


Who the heck made up the term “Shelf Help?  What does it even mean?  If you ask Sam it’s someone or something that helps you organize and/or put things together.  Whether that be cleaning up or clearing things out.  Kyle’s interpretation was the abundance of “DIY” self-help books, materials, seminars available.  With so many of them out there this would be like picking one up off of a shelf.  In reality, what “shelf help” is really referring to is more so gathering of information and not really taking action.  Gathering information can be anything ranging from, buying books, attending classes, watching videos, to participating in forums or discussion groups.  At the end of the day what are you really doing with that information?  Are you allowing it to sit on the shelf and collect dust?  Money doesn’t do you any good in a savings account and knowledge doesn’t do you any favors if it isn’t utilized.  You always have a choice.  Even inaction is an action, right?

Books we mentioned in this podcast:

The Success Principles

039: Decluttering

039: Decluttering

039: The 3 Forms of Clutter that are Ruining Your Life and how to “de-clutter”

by Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila

The 3 Forms of Clutter that are Ruining Your Life and how to “de-clutter”

As we approach the new year what is one thing that the masses will attempt to do? Lose weight, go to the gym, eat right, accomplish a goal, clean up. This all speaks to this week’s episode dedicated to decluttering your life. We review the 3 forms of clutter and how they can affect your day to day. Physical, mental and emotional clutter can have a huge impact on your life and if you don’t take the time to de-clutter at some point what path will you stay on? Tune in as the GYST gang provides feedback on what they do to declutter in these 3 different forms and how Kyle equates clutter to baggage and noise.

038: Self-Motivation

038: Self-Motivation


What is it that gives you the ability to get things done.  How do you accomplish certain tasks or goals that you may have in mind?  What causes motivation to be so fleeting and temporary?  How is having passion for something so different and much longer lasting?  We explore these thoughts along with differentiating between motivation and passion on this week’s episode of the GYST podcast.  Take a listen as Kyle, Sam, and Rohit discuss the topic and why Kyle believes self-motivation will only get you along far enough to complete tasks or take simple actions.  “If it’s important you’ll find a way, if it’s not then you’ll find an excuse.”

037: Make Today Beautiful

037: Make Today Beautiful


“Live for today and make it so beautiful that it is worth remembering.”  Today’s topic has inspired Sam to begin a journal and take notes everyday on something that is worth remembering.  Why is that important?  As we searched for another topic for this weeks episode Rohit gazed up at his “quote wall”.  This is where he has several pieces of art with quotations that have really moved him.  Rohit asked Sam to pick one of the quotes and that would be the weeks topic!  What a great idea!  I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did and truly take something away from it as did our hosts. Make Today Beautiful

036: Health Hazards of a Negative Work Place

036: Health Hazards of a Negative Work Place


Very similar to a podcast we’ve had in the past titled “Toxicity in the Workplace”.  In this episode, we dive a little deeper and discuss what it is that actually creates a negative workplace and what you can do to prevent it.  We’ll review how the common thought process of “behavior equals results” isn’t even touching the tip of the iceberg while we explore the 7 true stages that actually create our results!  Before you listen to this episode; sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath and assess your heart rate and how that actually made you feel and what it did for your spirit.  This is when you will know what truly leads to the results you’ve been achieving.  Thanks for tuning in to another episode of the GYST podcast.

035: Planning Your Day

035: Planning Your Day


Today’s episode is all about planning your day.  Kyle and Rohit sit down to discuss what it is that allows people to accomplish everyday tasks and why eating a frog will help.  Are you a person that makes lists?  Do you think you can commit everything to memory?  What are you planning to accomplish every day that is leading to positive growth?  These are the things that we all might not ask ourselves as we are allowed to get caught in accomplishing life’s mundane tasks.  Planning your day doesn’t just mean to drop off the kids, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, cleanup, sleep repeat.  That’s not planning at all!  That’s auto pilot!  As you listen to this week’s episode ask yourself, what can I plan and accomplish today that will improve my life.

034: Why Do People Gossip?

034: Why Do People Gossip?


Everyone has that one friend that can’t wait to talk about someone!  Maybe it’s good things.  Maybe it’s bad things.  Does that make them a bad person?  Does it make you like them more or less?  Are they even aware that they are doing it?  Tune in to this week’s episode as your hosts Sam Tea Kyle Reed and Rohit Rohila discuss the 5 reasons why people gossip!  We’ll ask ourselves these questions and come to a few more conclusions during the course of this week’s episode on Gossip.  It seems to come in many forms from TV shows and work gossip, to family and friends gossiping about other.  Make sure you listen in and find out how Rohit feels about the Kardashians, Kyle’s analysis of Trent Dilfer and more importantly who Sam’s mom wants him to marry!

033: Tony Robbins – I Am Not Your Guru Netflix Special Review

033: Tony Robbins – I Am Not Your Guru Netflix Special Review


In this week’s episode, the GYST Podcast Crew had some homework, to watch the Tony Robbins Netflix Special, titled “I Am Not Your Guru.”

This incredibly powerful special, which is a Netflix exclusive, follows Tony Robbins and his seminar titled: Date with Destiny (https://www.tonyrobbins.com/events/date-with-destiny/). This 6-day seminar helps people transform their lives by creating a clear vision for their life, career, health, and relationships.

People are now gravitating towards Personal Development because they realize that continuing to work on your skills is the only way you are going to be able to control your life. When we are younger, we go to school to learn the skills necessary to be able to compete in the marketplace, and that’s it. By attending a seminar, reading a book, or a Personal Development Podcast like this one, you are working on skills to design your life.

In this episode, Rohit Rohila share his thoughts on seminars. He has traveled all over the US and attended seminars of some of the greats in the world of Personal Growth.

Also, will Kyle Reed and Sam Tea join Rohit at the next seminar he will attend, Breakthrough to Success with Jack Canfield  (http://www.canfieldtrainings.com)

Tony Robbins - I Am Not Your Guru Netflix Special GYST Podcast

Books we mentioned in this podcast:

<a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/068480056X/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=068480056X&linkCode=as2&tag=rohicomprodma-20&linkId=47bbcf5c6b37775090f4cbdb011d1482"><img border="0" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=US&ASIN=068480056X&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format=_SL250_&tag=rohicomprodma-20" ></a><img src="//ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rohicomprodma-20&l=am2&o=1&a=068480056X" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

032: Dwelling in the Past

032: Dwelling in the Past


Dwelling – a house, or other place of residence.  Home, house, accommodations quarters.  All these are words that are synonymous with Dwelling.  This is what you are doing when dwelling in the past.  Making the past your home is a very dangerous thing to do.  It’s one thing to look back on the past and reflect and it’s another to live there.  Join Kyle Reed, Sam Tea and Rohit Rohila as they explore some of the more damaging things that dwelling in the past can do to one’s life and what you can do to overcome that.

Products we mentioned in this podcast:

031: Making Lists

031: Making Lists


Very seldom do we take the time to actually discuss the importance of lists.  Some of the most successful people have made it a habit to complete lists in order to attain their goals so why not you?  Join the crew this week as they explore the power of making lists and their validity as a true productivity tool.  We’ll also discuss the top 5 lists that every person should create before the end of the week!  You won’t want to miss out!  Add this episode to the top of your list of things to do and join Sam, Rohit and Kyle for another episode of your favorite podcast!

Products we mentioned in this podcast:

030: Doing Things For Your Soul

030: Doing Things For Your Soul


When was the last time you truly did something for your soul?  I’m talking the type of thing that makes you smile from deep down inside.  We tend to throw around the word selfish in a negative context.  The truth is, if we can’t be selfish every once in a while we may not ever be able to be ourselves and be honest with ourselves.  This is the first step to doing something for your soul.  Take a listen as Sam, Kyle and Rohit discuss what makes them happy and what you can begin doing for your soul.

Products we mentioned in this podcast:

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

The Peanuts Movie

029: Reasons Vs. Excuses

029: Reasons Vs. Excuses


Welcome back!  Tune in to this week’s episode when Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila and Sam Tea discuss what goes into the reasons why we do things.  Why we are so attached to that “reason” and what makes it look like an excuse to others.  Listen as we explore the 6 common “reasons” we all have for our actions and inactions as well as why others don’t quite see it the way we do.

Rohit’s video we mentioned in this podcast:

028: Managers vs. Leaders

028: Managers vs. Leaders


Everyone has either been a boss or had one at some point in their life.  Some are good and others not so good.  This week Kyle Reed and Rohit Rohila explore what goes into a great leader and the differences between a manager and leader.  Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, are you leading by title, or by reputation?  Tune in and see for yourself as we explore the traits that set apart leaders from mere managers.

Books we mentioned in this podcast:

The Success Principles

If How To's Were Enough...

027: Exploring Your Passions

027: Exploring Your Passions


When was the last time you really explored one of your passions? We all easily dismiss our passions as nothing more than simple things that only we enjoy. Not only do we question how others would benefit from them, but are we even talented enough, or what gives us the right? Take a listen to this week’s episode where Kyle and Rohit welcome a special guest into the studio, Aaron Eide. Aaron is attending Berklee College of Music where he recently made the Dean’s List for his excellence in academic performance.

026: Facing Your Fears

026: Facing Your Fears


What is it that you’re afraid of?  Failure? Rejection? The dark?  We all have fears and they can range anywhere from heights to butterflies and everything in between.  (not sure what that means but you get the point).  We share some great practices and a helpful acronym that help analyze and overcome fears.  Enjoy another refreshing viewpoint from Kyle and Rohit with special guest Patrick Lium as they discuss their fears and how they’ve reacted to them in the past.

025: Participation Trophies

025: Participation Trophies


A pat on the back or a “great job” can do a lot for ones self-esteem.  What happens when everyone gets the same reward for vastly different outcomes and effort?  In this episode we explore the concept of the “participation trophy”.  Find out what our hosts think about them and the effect it may have had or currently having on our society.

024: Humility

024: Humility


“Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.” .  Wise words penned by C.S. Lewis.  Join the GYST Podcast crew as we welcome special guest and loyal listener Emily Badgely and discuss this topic.  Humility can mean different things to different people and we explore both the definition as well as our hosts vision of humility and how your outlook on humility can be affecting your life.  Join us for another episode of the Get Your Sh*t Together podcast!

023: When Your Life Is On The Line!

023: When Your Life Is On The Line!


When getting your shit together literally means a life and death situation. How do you react when you get that news you never want to hear? The death of a loved one or that you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. This week we have an intimate, no holds barred conversation with Sathia “Ted” Chet. Ted was recently diagnosed with terminal liver failure. He was gracious enough to join us and talk about his life, and the movement he’s started with his cousins, including our very own sound guy Sam, called the “Let’s Live” campaign.

022: BIG Decisions

022: BIG Decisions


Buying a house?  Looking for a new job?  These would definitely be considered big decisions no matter the individual.  How do you take a look at what may be preventing you from making these decisions and reaching your full potential?  Sit down with Kyle and Rohit as they discuss how and why they take the steps they do when faced with a big decision that may impact others as much as themselves.

021: Embracing Your Inner Child

021: Embracing Your Inner Child


When you feel like you’re too busy with life and caught up in adult-ing it’s time to embrace your inner child. Tune in this week to hear Kyle, Sam, and Rohit discuss what embracing your inner child means to them. Whether that is going for a bike ride playing in the dirt or collecting comic books and Lego’s we all have fond memories of our child hood that really take us back. Tune in to hear Kyle share a childhood memory about playing with fire and what Sam brought a 35lb box of home after visiting his family in San Diego. You’ll definitely enjoy this weeks episode and if you don’t then you’re too busy being an adult!

020: Feeling Stuck In Life

020: Feeling Stuck In Life


One of the most common questions we always get here at GYST Podcast, is “What do I do when I feel like I’m stuck in life?” This question, more than any, really is a fantastic question because it shows a level of awareness. You realize that you aren’t where you want to be in life, but just don’t know what changes you need to make. This is far better than taking a reflective look at your life, and not even seeing that there is an underlying problem there in the first place.

Join Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, and their special guest Alli Heeter, as they share some of their favorite tips on what to do when you feel you are stuck in life.

019: 3 Steps Towards Designing Your Life

019: 3 Steps Towards Designing Your Life


What do you want out of life?  Here is a question many of us have wondered.  How many of us act on it and how many of us even believe we can achieve it? Take a listen to this week’s episode where Rohit, Kyle and Amit discuss 3 key factors that will contribute to getting you on the path of designing your own life plan.  If nothing else, at least you’ll hear about Rohit’s love for a special sandwich shop in the town he grew up in and how Amit mysteriously came across some donuts and shared them with Kyle. Thanks for joining another episode of the GYST Podcast!

018: Stepping Into The Unknown

018: Stepping Into The Unknown


Have you ever made a mistake?  What did this lead to?  This week’s episode is all about the Stepping into the unknown.  Join Kyle Rohit and Amit as they discuss how the results of past decisions begin to mold our future decisions and become programs.  If you think you have developed these programs and need help recognizing how to spot them then you’re in the right place!  Join the team as they provide insight on how their past results have dictated future decisions and how they have gotten around it?

017: Are You Really In Charge Of Your Life

017: Are You Really In Charge Of Your Life


Do you ever wonder why you do the things that you do? Why certain patterns keep coming up over and over again in your life? Are you even in charge of your life? When we are kids, we start developing certain behaviors and it’s those behaviors and programs that we created in childhood that continue to shape our lives. Join Kyle and Rohit as they talk about advanced techniques on how to gain control of your programs and start designing your life in this week’s episode of the GYST Podcast titled “Are You Really in Charge of Your Life”?

016: Starting With The End In Mind

016: Starting With The End In Mind



Ever had a goal that you didn’t accomplish? Something you wanted to achieve but couldn’t quite get there? That’s what we talk about in this week’s episode of the GYST Podcast titled “Starting with the End in Mind”. We tend to gravitate towards the idea of how far away we are from our aspirations and allow that to detract us from our goals instead of achieving them. Follow along as Kyle, Rohit and guest Sam discuss how “Starting with the End in Mind” is helping them reach some lofty goals.


015: Why People Don’t Change

015: Why People Don’t Change


People are slow to change because they feel comfortable where they are, or the pains that they have aren’t painful enough for them to take serious actions. We explored this in SITTING ON NAILS. If we don’t adapt or grow in life, we become stuck and start living the same day, month, year over and over again. We wake up one day and wonder where all the time went.

Join Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, and Rohit Rohila, as they explore why people don’t change.

014: Toxicity in the Workplace

014: Toxicity in the Workplace


It’s very easy to fall into the negative talk at work. Everything from lack of support and vision from the management, to not having the right coffee in the breakroom. But the more time we spend in this negative environment, the more it takes a toll on our work life, and also effects our relationships at home. Don’t let the toxic work environment bring you down. Learn some basic tips and tricks from Christian, Kyle, and Rohit, as you join them on Toxicity in the Workplace.

013: Pushing Yourself w/ Guest Kevin Johnson

013: Pushing Yourself w/ Guest Kevin Johnson


Join Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, and Rohit Rohila as they are visited by special guest, Seattle Recording Artist AKA- A King Also (Kevin Johnson.)  In this episode that is dedicated to Pushing Yourself, hear about how Kevin got started in the music industry by his uncle at the age of 13, one of his music career highlights of sharing a stage with a Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, as well as recent joint venture A King Also X The Royal Court and their latest album entitled “Death of a Stereotype”  Listen in as we discuss what it was that gave him the drive to keep pushing himself,  even when no one believed in him.

Show Notes

Podcast Episodes & Resources Referenced:

012: Saying “Yes” to Saying “No”

012: Saying “Yes” to Saying “No”


Most of us feel very uncomfortable in telling someone “no” when they ask us for a favor, and before we know it, we have so much on our plates, that we put ourselves on the back-burner. We are willing to put our own goals on hold to help others with theirs, but why is that? Learn some techniques to say “no” and help you get your own goals back on track!

Join Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, and Rohit Rohila, in this episode that is dedicated to Saying “Yes” to Saying “No”!

Show Notes

Podcast Episodes & Resources Referenced:

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/006227306X/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=006227306X&linkCode=as2&tag=rohicomprodma-20&linkId=JFSW4JJJ3R4FI7JL"><img border="0" src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=006227306X&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=rohicomprodma-20" ></a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rohicomprodma-20&l=as2&o=1&a=006227306X" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
011: Things That Make You Smile

011: Things That Make You Smile


What makes you smile? A deep down touch your soul turn your day around type of smile? We often think about things that make us happy, but seldom do we take the time to reflect on the things that make us smile. By paying more attention to those things, you will soon find more of those things showing up in your life 🙂

Join Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, and Rohit Rohila, in this episode that is dedicated to Things That Make You Smile!

Show Notes

During this Podcast there were several books mentioned. Those books include All About Me and Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Positive: 101 Inspirational Stories about Changing Your Life through Positive Thinking. And of course who can forget Christian’s Favorite Cookies: Southern Season Classic Moravian Cookies Gift Sampler.

Podcast Episodes & Resources Referenced:

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/076790205X/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=076790205X&linkCode=as2&tag=rohicomprodma-20&linkId=NYVWAKKHBM2U25LR"><img border="0" src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=076790205X&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=rohicomprodma-20" ></a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rohicomprodma-20&l=as2&o=1&a=076790205X" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019ZWSPP0/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B019ZWSPP0&linkCode=as2&tag=rohicomprodma-20&linkId=JNS2CQEZGJ2VX6N4"><img border="0" src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B019ZWSPP0&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=rohicomprodma-20" ></a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rohicomprodma-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B019ZWSPP0" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1611599032/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=1611599032&linkCode=as2&tag=rohicomprodma-20&linkId=CTFXS5FJIYNX3QUF"><img border="0" src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1611599032&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=rohicomprodma-20" ></a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rohicomprodma-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1611599032" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Clean sheets!!! The smell of coffee in the morning!!!

Nicole Way

A very soft blanket and a comfortable chair.

Brian Harris

It’s not G rated, but I’d say sex.

Emily Badgley

Watching my wife’s prego belly grow

Isaac Ferreira

Fishing pole with a keeper on the line

Steven Dodge

A mug of cereal!

Sarah Quinton

Driving in the summer, windows rolled down, music blasting.

Vinay Kapadia

010: Organize Your Year

010: Organize Your Year


During the last Podcast (Episode 9: New Year’s Resolutions), we covered several reasons why people make these promises, but don’t always achieve them. It was more about the reasons and not the excuses. In this episode we will explore some techniques on how you can organize your year. Use these tips and tricks that have worked for us, to make this new year your best yet!

Join Kyle Reed and Rohit Rohila as they are visited by the voice of the intro and outro for GYST Podcast, Robyn Olson, in this episode that is dedicated to Organizing Your New Year!

Show Notes

Podcast Episodes & Resources Referenced:

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/006158326X/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=006158326X&linkCode=as2&tag=rohicomprodma-20&linkId=5MUCGJWANVZUZGC7"><img border="0" src="http://ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?_encoding=UTF8&ASIN=006158326X&Format=_SL250_&ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=rohicomprodma-20" ></a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=rohicomprodma-20&l=as2&o=1&a=006158326X" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />

Mine is silly simple, don’t make mountains out of tasks. Now that I stay home and have a tiny human that has my energy, I have significantly less time for cleaning and organizing. I wasn’t breaking my tasks down small enough and was putting things off because they seemed too big to complete in a set time. Now I chip away at things. If the baby is asleep, and I want to clean out my old clothes I start with one drawer. If he is still sleeping, I do another. I sweep/mop the dining room one day, the kitchen and entry another day. If I’m working through my emails I’ll just do 5 at a time. Breaking large tasks into smaller tasks makes it more manageable and less likely for me to put it off longer.

Katey Matthews

I think it could be done by just being careful enough. One must dream on, travel on & live on. By not holding back yourself 🙂

Ankit Thakur

009: New Year’s Resolutions

009: New Year’s Resolutions


It’s that time again, when we say goodbye to another year and welcome the next We take a moment of self-reflection and then… New Year’s Resolutions.

Every year thousands of people set these goals. Lose weight, make more money, get a new job, go to the gym, eat healthier, go back to school, the list goes on and on. But why do so few people ever accomplish them?

Join Kyle Reed and Rohit Rohila as they are visited by the voice of the intro and outro for GYST Podcast, Robyn Olson, in this episode that is dedicated to New Year’s Resolutions.

No cell phone use during activities (dates, family events, etc.)

Christina Noack

Spend money more wisely. And buy a house by 2017

Delmar Strader Jr.

To hug as many people as possible

Clark Bartron

Get back on track with my health! Less screen time. Read move.

Tiffany Chadek

Visit another state or country or both, that I have never been to.

Ruben Marquez

To love myself more

Le Truong

Not to write “2015” on the paper work at work, lol

Rosie Krauss

008: Decide to Change

008: Decide to Change

Podcast #008: Decide to Change (30 minutes)

by Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, Brent Normann


One of the questions we get asked all the time is “how do I get started in changing my life?” For many people, taking steps to consciously change your life feels overwhelming, and it should be. We aren’t used to taking steps to think about the direction our life is going on and how we can make a few simple choices to completely transform it around. We think that we have to make some grand gestures and huge actions steps, but that’s not always the case.

The first step is the hardest, and that is, first you have to decide to change. It may sound simple, especially since there aren’t really any action steps, but making the decision to change means that you are admitting that you need to make different choices than you have been making.

Once you have decided to change, and that you will take the necessary steps to do that, you are well on your way to a transformed life!


The following are notes that were made during this podcast. This indludes references to other websites & podcasts, product recommendations, etc.

007: 4 Reasons People Avoid Personal Development

007: 4 Reasons People Avoid Personal Development

Podcast #007: 4 Reasons People Avoid Personal Development (35 minutes)

by Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila

We recently put the question out on our Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/gystpodcast/) and asked people how they would define Personal Development. The responses we got back were very interesting. Here are a few of them:

“Having the eagerness to want to learn, educate, and expand your horizons for positive results. Personal Development is about creating a journey of progress and ambition”- Jayne Werner

“A competition with yourself. The goal is to make yourself a better person than you are today. You can use other people as inspiration, but you are your own benchmark”– Katey Mathews

“It’s reprogramming the language of your mind”- Varun Seth

All fantastic ideas, and all very unique from each other. That’s the thing about personal development, it’s “personal” and your own journey is going to be drastically different that anyone else’s. We all have different measuring points for what is out of our comfort zone. For some it’s speaking in front of 5 people, for others is becoming a better parent, while for someone else it could be to make their first million dollars in a year. What Katey said above is important, it’s a competition with yourself and overcoming your self-limiting beliefs.

We all say we want to improve our lives, but not all of us are willing to take those steps. Join us as we explore 4 Reasons People Avoid Personal Development.

006: One Uppers

006: One Uppers

Podcast #006: One Uppers (31 minutes)

by Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila

People constantly one up each other. Either in an effort to show how better they are, or to show how much struggle they have gone through and survived. But why do they do that? Why is it so important for people to compare themselves? How does it make you feel when people do that to you?

005: Work Life Balance

005: Work Life Balance

Podcast #005: Work Life Balance (35 minutes)

by Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila

We all want to achieve a fine work life balance. One where we are the best employee we can be, as well as the best family member or friend. In this podcast we talk about how difficult it can be to live a whole life, where you accelerate at work and surround yourself with people who love you.

If you just focus on one, and not the other, you are inviting a life of high stress and mediocrity.

004: Dreams vs Reality

004: Dreams vs Reality

Podcast #004: Dreams vs Reality (37 minutes)

by Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, Robyn Olson

When we are kids, we dream of being astronauts, ballerinas, baseball players, and scientists. We have these incredible dreams, confined only within our imaginations. Little by little we let go of those dreams and realize that life is far from that which we once dreamed. Join the GYST Podcast Crew with our special guest, Robyn Olson.

Robyn has competed in professional pageants and is pursuing her dream of fashion. Recently her work was on display for the world to see, when during the Miss America Pageant, Miss Washington (Lizzi Jackson) wore a dress that Robyn made for her.

002: Sitting On Nails

002: Sitting On Nails

Podcast #002: Sitting On Nails (37 minutes)

by Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila

Sooner or later we all find ourselves in situations of complacency and mediocrity. And even though it’s easy to get out of them, the problem is we don’t because it’s easier not to do anything about it. Recognizing our current realities is sometimes more important than taking the actions all along that would have prevented them. That’s where the real growth comes from.

Most people are like the dog sitting on a nail that we talk about in this episode. They would like to get off, it sounds nice… but what if something worse happens? See at least they know their pain right now, have come to accept it, and live with it, but it’s the fear of the unknown that keeps them there.

001: Stepping Up

001: Stepping Up

Podcast #001: Stepping Up (36 minutes)

by Christian Cloud, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila

Our very first podcast. When a challenge is in front of you, will you step up to that challenge and take action, or will you sit idly to the side, and watch your life continue to pass you by? Sometimes it takes an outside force to put you out of your comfort zone for you to realize that you had the strength within you all along.

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