Who the heck made up the term “Shelf Help?  What does it even mean?  If you ask Sam it’s someone or something that helps you organize and/or put things together.  Whether that be cleaning up or clearing things out.  Kyle’s interpretation was the abundance of “DIY” self-help books, materials, seminars available.  With so many of them out there this would be like picking one up off of a shelf.  In reality, what “shelf help” is really referring to is more so gathering of information and not really taking action.  Gathering information can be anything ranging from, buying books, attending classes, watching videos, to participating in forums or discussion groups.  At the end of the day what are you really doing with that information?  Are you allowing it to sit on the shelf and collect dust?  Money doesn’t do you any good in a savings account and knowledge doesn’t do you any favors if it isn’t utilized.  You always have a choice.  Even inaction is an action, right?

Books we mentioned in this podcast:

The Success Principles

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