By now, we have all heard of Steven Covey’s all-time bestselling book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. This life-altering book has influenced some of the most productive people in the world. But while it shares with you 7 steps to make you more effective, it’s important to take a look at some of the habits of those who are the opposite, and struggle every day. 7 Habits of Unsuccessful People is our answer to that.

We first got the idea of this episode while reviewing our notes from one of Rohit’s most influential mentors, Jerry “DRhino” Clark! Go Go Go!

Here is a breakdown of the 7 Habits of Highly Unsuccessful People. Unsuccessful people:

  1. They get “Hung” by Their Own Tongue: We all know negative people, those Debbie Downers who somehow always find a way to take any situation and find the bad in it. In fact, they are so accustomed to always finding and disempowerment into their lives that they don’t even realize they are doing it. Instead of seeing the opportunity behind situations, they find a way to see the problems behind them. These are the people who believe always ask, “what’s the catch” and that things are “too good to be true.” They are so comfortable with this that they don’t even realize that they do it.
  2. They are “Wimps”: A lot of people will confuse this for laziness, but it’s different. People who are wimps just want the easier route and expect success. They aren’t willing to put in the effort or take the “road less traveled” because they aren’t willing to fight for their dreams.
  3. They are Blabber Mouths: These are the people who take up all the time and control the conversation because they simply talk too much. They love being the center of attention and even more than that, playing the victim in life. Nothing is ever their fault. “If only” becomes the key phrase that drives their life. They are in a constant battle with their sub-conscious because they will fight till the end to “hold on” to what-ever gets people to feel sorry for them.
  4. They are Paranoid: When you believe that everyone is against you, you don’t see things another way. Every little setback becomes an over-exaggerated fiasco. They never really make much traction on projects because they are so afraid of getting outside their own comfort zone, or even getting out of their own way.
  5. They Give Up Easily: Successful people know that failing at something, just means that you are just eliminating a way it cannot happen, and need to find another path. Failures are simply stepping stones to success and something that will come up over and over again. But for others, they have a tendency to call it quits at the first sign of trouble. They are excited to get started, but quickly lose interest when they find that things are as easy as they first thought they would be. They are always on the hunt for something easier!
  6. Misery Loves Company: Unsuccessful people love bringing people down to their level so they can be right. Instead of putting in the difficult work and being smart about things, they find it easier to spread rumors and criticize others because it gives off the appearance that they are “smarter” than others. At the end of the day, they have no thoughts about improving their lives, and want to surround themselves by others who feel the same.
  7. They are Chronic Complainers: If only their company would pay them more money, if only their spouse was more supportive, if only the economy was more stable, if only the Mariners would win the World Series, if only… if only… if only… They live their lives by finding external forces to hold accountable on why they aren’t as successful as they want to be. It’s everyone and everything’s fault that they aren’t where they want to be.

Maybe we went a bit overboard with some of these things, but we come across people who believe all these things so much, hold onto these self-limiting beliefs so tightly, that without even thinking about it, their subconscious will create more situations to help support their beliefs.

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