The greatest obstacle that we all face is procrastination. It’s a terrible habit we all admit to having, yet so few of us will take any action to alleviate this destroyer of productivity and lives. We touch on procrastination at its heart in the episode Sitting on Nails, where we understand that this negative behavior hurts us, but it doesn’t hurt us enough to take any action. Think of your job. Chances are when you first got there you were so excited to be a part of the vision of the overall company. Then day by day, week by week, month by month, and for many, year by year, you come to have resentment for that place. Just the thought of walking into the building fills you with negative emotions. Why is that though?

The truth is we are far less likely to procrastinate at work because there are several layers of accountability. But in your personal life, you don’t have the accountability, leading to very little encouragement. We also can’t hold ourselves accountable because we break promises with ourselves all the time, without serious consequences. How many of us set New Year’s Resolutions and then break them without a second thought? So we can’t even trust ourselves to hold us accountable.

The problem then lies in recognition. Why do we procrastinate, how are we doing it, and what are the hidden reasons we do it. Those are all explored in this episode, of the GYSTPodcast.

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