As I was dropping off some kids in the pool on company’s time and scrolling through Facebook feed (Oh don’t judge me you know you are doing the same shit at work!) I came across this picture of myself and my ex on a vacation from 10 years ago. Man did that bring back memories, but as I was reminiscing through my head, I realized where I was in my life then and where I am at now. It genuinely shocked me as to how long has it been and how much has changed but moreover the journey I have taken to get here. It feels like a blink of an eye, but my life has changed dramatically since that moment was captured in that camera.

Over the years, I have made a ton of goals and decisions – some were made by me being stupid and stumbling upon life while others I made a judgment call on. I might have taken action, but either way, these decisions have had a positive and negative impact on my life and helped me find a path toward my purpose in life. I would say finding a purpose is a whole another topic and it’s something that I am still trying to find, but at least this has guided me to find out what I don’t need in my life. I might not have the purpose yet, but I do know my intentions. The intentions which lead to my decisions which leads to actions in my life.

However, the real question I should be asking myself or we should be asking ourselves is am I in control and does my intentions, whether short term or long term, falls parallel to the outcomes of my life or am I letting my life go by and filled with useless activities? If the current stage or upcoming future is aligning with your intention, then great! If not, then let’s really take a look and see how we can change. If you are having trouble figuring out where you are and where you should be, then take inventory of your decisions. Are these affecting you positively or negatively? I am not talking about what kind of ice cream to pick up for dessert tonight. I am talking about the decision that keeps you awake at night. Decisions that you have regretted in past. Decisions that is impacting you currently and will in future. Decisions that truly only you know because these decisions might be hidden for other people, but deep inside you know why chose that.

Truth is you can’t change the past, but only your future. Find these mistakes, learn from it, and adjust your intentions. Take charge of your life and make educated long-term decisions (even if it’s in small stages) that will bring you happiness in your life and self-realize about many aspects of your life. If your vision is parallel to your life, then you are living an intentional life and you have a clear idea of the path you have been on and the path that will lead you to the end of the tunnel.

So, GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER, stop acting like a victim, take charge and be happy!

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