195: Are You Living Your Life Like A Gameshow?

by Glen Rux, Kyle Reed, and Rohit Rohila


Are You Living Your Life Like A Gameshow? Are you even a main character in your own life?

Its final Jeopardy and the topic is Life. Here is your answer: “You do this to be successful.” If you are participating, you aren’t just shouting the answer at your tv screen like the average person does. This episode is all about making sure you aren’t being a side seat driver in your own life. Drive yourself towards success.

We all have seen a gameshow where we knew the answer or watched a sports competition where we saw the right play to make before the people actually involved did. We do similar things in our own lives. A great example is on how we are quick to offer advice for situations we wish we were involved in. “While your visiting New Zealand, make sure to visit Hobbiton. I always wanted to visit there myself.” Rather than living through other people, we should be looking to live our lives to the fullest every day. Try to make those things you want to do a reality rather than continuing to sit on the sidelines.

Part and parcel to this is personal responsibility. We all think we should be somewhere better in life. It is our dream to be better than we are, but we look to external factors to blame for why we have not made it. “I am uneducated today because the government did a poor job funding my schools growing up.” Are you telling me, that you understand that you are uneducated today, you understand that you are not where you want to be, but you haven’t done anything to fix that problem? You recognized a problem, but so far all you have done is point the finger at someone else saying its their fault. Great, you recognize, you have a problem, and that the other party is not doing anything to fix it for you. That only leaves one person who can fix the issue. You. You are a sum of all your past decisions. Once you get to that point where you understand that no matter whose fault you think it is, the only person that can directly change and affect your life for the better is you. You have the power to change your life for the better every day with making simple good decisions with what you are given, what you have, and what you can do.

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