We all develop our own belief systems over the years. Whether religious, political, or any other belief system, there are beliefs that we develop that we end up defending vigorously. Our defense can be so strong that it ruins relationships. Fights can break out at the drop of a hat over deep held beliefs.

In politics, we see people blindly follow along party lines. They only listen to politicians that align to their strict party label. Anyone who runs as the opposite party are the enemy. Republicans support republicans. Democrats support democrats. Everyone will say they don’t choose based on party and will complain about those who do vote for their party blindly. In the end we have this divide where everyone points the finger at the other saying “you’re doing it wrong,” all while refusing to see the hypocrisy in their own statements.

The problem with sticking to your guns like this is that you end up in an echo chamber. When all you hear is agreement, you never get anything done. You can’t experience anything new or grow beyond a certain point if all you do is stay in a place with only people and practices that support your already developed beliefs. Step outside the comfort zone and listen to people with differing opinions. Challenge breeds growth. It causes us to experience other viewpoints that make us think.

Rohit says there are 5 things you need to do challenge your beliefs. First, get an external view of yourself. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and see how they must be seeing you. Second, look at your circle of influence. Make sure you have surrounded yourself with people who will challenge you in supportive ways. Third, get a mentor. Mentors are a great way to model yourself after successful people. Find someone who has achieved something you want in life and learn from them. Fourth, grade yourself on your health and your wealth. This will take the emotion out and help you see more clearly where you need the help. Finally, process your thoughts in the form of journaling. Journaling forces you to slow your thinking down so that you have time to process your thoughts.

Beliefs can be powerful and help us achieve great things. However, they can also cause us to pull back and prevent growth. Make sure you are taking the time to challenge your beliefs. Try out the 5 steps Rohit mentioned and let us know what your think.

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