There are several things that come to mind when I think of “Average Person.” Average people do not plan for the future, do not have assets, have lots of liabilities, spend more time in front of the television, and don’t read books. Investing in oneself is not something an Average Person does. So why do people live Average lives?

Many people don’t even realize that they are just “Average.” This is because we always think of ourselves as above average. We are more likely to look at someone else and judge them by their actions while we judge ourselves by our intentions. Maybe it is because we just can’t see that those people may have had good intentions as well. It could be that we don’t trust that everyone has as good of intentions as we have. This leads us to use excuses for why we aren’t successful. “I’m not that bad,” or “At least I don’t have his/her bad habits.”

Changing your life in drastic ways really doesn’t take huge life altering decisions. It can be something as simple as having a glass of water. For me, my go to drink used to be soda. I would drink half a 12 pack a day. I switched it to juices at first to get the sugar but cut back on the caffeine. Then I started drinking water at my desk at work throughout the day rather than juices. Now I am having water at work, at home, and whenever I go out to eat with my family. Simple small steps end with you on a totally different path than you began on. I have also done something similar with my eating habits. I started with switching up breakfast to include a salad instead of fast food. Now I am cooking more at home and cooking healthier foods. Instead of potato chips for snacks I am grabbing a bottle of water or an apple.

I may not see immediate changes in my size or health, but over time, if I look back, I am amazed at where I was vs. where I am now.

The Average person looks for excuses where the above average person accepts that it is no one else’s fault for where they are in life. It is easier to sit back ad blame circumstances and blame someone else for where you are in life. It means you don’t have to deal with the embarrassment of knowing you screwed up your own life. You don’t have to take ownership because you can just blame the government, your co-workers, your family, or insert your boogey man here.

If you don’t want to be average, it is simple. Don’t be average. Take ownership of your life. Don’t complain about something if you are not taking actions to change it. Don’t point fingers and say you are better than someone else. Focus on making good decisions and learning from the bad ones and you will not be an Average Person. You will not end up being a Basic Bitch.


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