Summer comes around every year and many of us are caught off guard. We look forward to the sun, and claim we are looking forward to the fun. However, most of us end up just killing time. Students take a break from learning to just hang out and have fun. People take vacations that feel thrown together and have very little value. How do we take control of our summer?

First, don’t just fill your time. Use it wisely. Filling time with meaningless activities does you and your growth no good. Conversely, killing or wasting time does you no good either. Take your summer time and try to make memories. Do something you don’t normally do. We all have something we have said we wanted to try. You know those things that your friends posted about on their social media that made you instantly say “now that looks fun.” Make the effort to make some memories. It enriches your life just being able to say you have tried something different rather than looking back wishing you had.

Kyle makes a great point in this episode. Don’t let your summers be planned for you. Be proactive and take control. Giving up control to outside forces makes it easier to make excuses. “Oh I had a meeting,” “I had to work,” “My significant other wanted to ’x’ this summer.” Remove the excuses and plan something different that you haven’t done before. Then make sure to take some pictures. You don’t have to go overboard with the pictures. Just take some so that as you refer back to them over the years, you have an object that calls forth specific details about that particular moment and what it meant to you.

We are all looking to do different things for our summer here at GYST. Kyle is looking to go camping. Glen is taking a train half way across the country rather than the usual plane ride. Finally, Rohit is planning on holding an actual Barbeque and Game Night rather than ruin his burgers with a George Foreman. Whatever you do, make sure it will enrich and not waste your time this summer.


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