What kind of plan do we have for the future? Where do you want to be in your career, family, and personal life? These are important questions we should be asking ourselves. They help us understand where we are in our lives currently.

Most people do not plan for the future. Their goal setting is nonexistent. It could be that they don’t want to think about uncomfortable feelings, or maybe they don’t want to risk what they already have. Going through the motions and going with the flow often gets you lost in the drain. You get to a destination, but not a destination that you created for yourself. You end up going where outside factors push you.

When you have a clear plan for where you want to be in 5 years, you are able to set goals and understand what steps you have to take to get there. For instance, if your 5-year plan for your health is to be 50 pounds lighter you already know that you need to lose 10 pounds a year to meet that goal. Then you can see what actions you need to take to help you lose 10 pounds per year. Maybe that includes walking 10000 steps a day, eating salads instead of burgers, and cutting out soda 5 days a week.

It isn’t enough to have a 5-year plan. It is equally important to write that plan down. When you write it, it becomes real. You have a written record of your plan and are now responsible to yourself for follow through. Writing your plan down allows you to also write out and think about the steps you need to take to achieve your success. When the steps are written down, you are already more likely to succeed.

Whether you are looking to have a better career, a better family life, or better health, having a 5-year plan will make it easier to be more successful. All you need to do is visualize where you want to be, and then make sure to take the action steps needed to get there. Don’t overcomplicate things with “what ifs.” Keep your eyes on your goal, take your actions, and adjust as needed to move you forward. That is the way to find success in your goals.


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