What separates an Entrepreneur from the average person? It’s all about the mindset. This episode all started when we had a discussion over lunch about our paychecks. We were talking about how our holiday pay schedule was different due to the normal day we would get paid falling on either a holiday or a weekend. Rohit mentioned that he couldn’t even remember the last time he worried about a steady paycheck and it all snowballed from there.

Rohit worked most of his life for someone else and just last year started working for himself when the company he was working for cut his department. He could have panicked and threw himself into the same cycle we all know of looking for another 9-5 making money for someone else while earning a steady paycheck. Instead, he started thinking outside his comfort zone and moving into his strengths.

It became less about “how do I trade my time for money” into “how do I create the income stream I need to be successful.” He turned his situation into a competition with himself. “How do I create more success with what I have?” It is all about perspective with him.

If you ask yourself “how do I make more money” you are looking at things from a perspective of “lack.” It has negative connotations that directly impact your abilities to succeed. You are always looking at things from the perspective of “I need to do more to keep what I have.” You never have enough. When you look at things from a success standpoint, you are constantly asking yourself, “What can I do to improve on my results.” Both, you might argue, have the same messaging. “I need to improve to keep what I have.” However, the difference is in the beginning. One looks at it as I need to keep what I have by offering more. The other looks at is as “I have what I have, now how do I improve or grow it or create more.” That is the entrepreneurial mindset.

Your time is precious. Our jobs take up a large portion of our day. We are selling our time and effort to a company to provide a specific service. They can replace us with another person no matter how much we think we know or do for them. We are a resource. However, the rest of our time could be spent in improving our lives and growing what we have. Be it in relationships, knowledge, or whatever else you value, you need to be the master of your life. Remember that the more time you spend at work, the less time you have to do the things you want or need to do for yourself.

Videos we mentioned in this podcast:

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