One of my favorite moment of my life was when I was about 12 and my parents threw a birthday party for me at a local burger joint. Yes, I know it’s not the conventional place and it was so cold and pouring outside but I didn’t care a single bit because I was so stoked as I planned this and having all my friends to celebrate my birthday. Over the last few years, I have not wanted to celebrate myself and over the years I have built a program for myself where I stopped celebrating myself. After listening to Rohit, Kyle, and Glen, I looked back and realized that moment was the moment when I truly celebrated myself and not only that, but my family and my friends didn’t celebrate my birthday but celebrated me.

As I grew older, I got tangled with my day to day activities which is when I start losing the reason as to why I am here in the first place! I believe we all do that in one or another and we stop taking care of ourselves and we start taking other people for granted. It’s not your fault, it’s just how the society is and how we get mold as we grow up, but you have to remember that you are here because you are valued. You are valued to yourself, to your family, friends, and anyone who you have a physical and emotional connection with. You are here for a reason so why not celebrate yourself?

In today’s episode, GYST group shared how they celebrate themselves. Glen takes his annual bday trip; Rohit takes his annual Memorial Day solo trip; Kyle celebrates himself by treating himself with 100 pairs of shoes and eating dinner alone (don’t worry he doesn’t do that every night cause that would be just….well…sad).

So that just leaves it with one question – How do YOU celebrate yourself and Get Your Shit Together?

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