077: Making an Event and Experience

by Amit Bhardwaj, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila


Using the recent Solar Eclipse that was witnessed in the United States, Amit uses that as a catalyst to talk about turning an event into a memory. He traveled to Oregon with Kamal to take that event, and turn it into an experience by camping, going outside of his comfort zone, and making the most of it.

Similarly, Kyle shared about taking a simple local John Legend concert to the next level. Because the tickets were sold out, he decided to fly to California instead with his girlfriend and make a beautiful memory.

Events happen all the time. From going to your mailbox to pick up the junk mail and bills, to getting married. Events also have no meaning until we give them one. That is why for some people a birthday is very important, and for others, it’s just another day. It is the meaning that we give that event that gives it significance.

How do you turn an event into an experience? Well, it depends on your interpretation of that event. For example, Rohit takes pictures… a lot of pictures. From weddings to going to the movies to eating at Taco Bell, he takes pictures of everything. But if you ask him, all those events are meaningful experiences. Mean to be remembered and shared.

In this episode, we talk about the different experiences that we have all shared and how we have taken those experiences to create beautiful memories.

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