075: Brain vs Braun

by Aaron Eeide, Amit Bhardwaj, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, Sam Tea


Have you ever taken a sick day for mental health day? If not, then you should do ASAP! In today’s episode, GYST team invited Aaron Eeide to talk about the importance of brain workout and how it can help us get our shit together.

What is the difference between average people and successful people? Successful people have realized they want a better life and in order to get that they have to improve their life style. Successful people don’t talk about meal plans or physical workout, but they ask about seminars, books, business tactics to evolve their life skills and implement those changes to their life.

We are always doing a physical workout, but we hardly ever do or even think of brain workout. We associate a physical task with accomplishments and we can see those changes in a short-term so we are more encouraged to keep continuing with it, but with brain workout, we don’t see those immediate results. It’s a long-term goal and it takes us years to see those changes, but those changes are what makes us successful.

Not only that, but brain workout is double the work than a physical workout. We have to not only complete a task by reading a book or going to a seminar, but we have to constantly think about the tips and suggestions and reflect on to your own life and see how it fits. You have to evaluate your life and then implement those changes. Those are not easy goals, but it will be more successful goals.

So next time when you are thinking about taking a sick day, don’t make an excuse. Take a mental day, decompress, and then reevaluate your life.

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