070: Why Pet Peeves Drive Us Nuts

by Amit Bhardwaj, Kamal Kalra, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila


We all have things that bothers us most, but most times they are just small little things that’s so important to us, but might not be to others. Little things big headaches. That might be best way to describe pet peeves. So, how do we recognize our pet peeves?

Pet Peeves are very specific things that bothers us the most which might not mean anything to others. `It’s challenging to point out behaviors in yourself, but it can be easy by evaluating what are your pet peeves. Behaviors are easier to see and analyze, but a lot of times on a day to day basis we don’t think about how it might affect other people or you don’t think enough about it so it doesn’t play a huge role anymore. One of the way to improve yourself is hold up a mirror. A lot of things that a behavior is annoying you is in yourself and the anger is really directed toward yourself. List all your pet peeves and that should give you a good indication about yourself that you need to fix.

Another way to recognize your pet peeves is to ask yourself: are you right? A lot of times a pet peeve of yours is because you think your way is the best way, but for others it might be the right way. There is not only one way of doing things. So, ask yourself are your pet peeves reflecting in yourself?

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