069: How Do I Own My Summer?

by Amit Bhardwaj, Kamal Kalra, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, Sam Tea


Summer is a great time to enjoy your life. It’s the time where you see clear blue skies, birds chirping in the park, wedding bells going off at the church, but how much of that summer are you actually enjoying?

In today’s podcast, GYST crew talk about how we can enjoy our summer more. Most of us are reactive where our calendar is filled with things that we don’t want to do and then we regret not having a good summer, but just by tweaking how you plan your summer, you can have an unbelievable experience.

Local Events – Check out websites like Events12.com or your local city website for events around you. There are plenty of sources where you can find things to do that you might find interesting.

Pets – For pet owners, take advantage of the sunny days! Usually, we are pent up inside the house with our pets when it’s cold outside, but summer is a great time to go out and be active with your pets. Take your pet along with you to explore the city, hiking, parks or whatever you and lovely pets might enjoy!

Say NO! – We always get sucked into doing things that we don’t want to do. This is how our calendar gets filled and we become reactive. Say no and plan out an activity that you would love.

Be Free –There’s so much out there in this world – be active and go explore! Be open minded and you will find things that you love that you never even would have thought of before. Who knows you might even find you magic.

In the end, find out what you like. Do you like to be indoors or outdoors? What are the activities that attract you? Find things that you like, find people that like the same things, find your pets and go enjoy the summer!

Podcast episodes we mentioned in this podcast:

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