039: The 3 Forms of Clutter that are Ruining Your Life and how to “de-clutter”

by Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila

The 3 Forms of Clutter that are Ruining Your Life and how to “de-clutter”

As we approach the new year what is one thing that the masses will attempt to do? Lose weight, go to the gym, eat right, accomplish a goal, clean up. This all speaks to this week’s episode dedicated to decluttering your life. We review the 3 forms of clutter and how they can affect your day to day. Physical, mental and emotional clutter can have a huge impact on your life and if you don’t take the time to de-clutter at some point what path will you stay on? Tune in as the GYST gang provides feedback on what they do to declutter in these 3 different forms and how Kyle equates clutter to baggage and noise.

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