088: Black Friday Shopping Tips

by Amit Bhardwaj, Kamal Kalra, Kyle Reed, Tony Yarger


Turkey cooking in the oven, football game on the TV, drinking a beer, kids running around the house playing with puppies, and your grandfather taking a nap on a lazy couch. Yup, you guessed it its Thanksgiving! And with Thanksgiving, how can we forget about Black Friday!

We all know how fun and exciting Black Friday shopping is as a consumer, but have you ever wondered how the day is for the lovely associate who sold you your brand new TV? If you have worked in the retail industry on Black Friday like our GYST crew, then you know how much of a pain it can be to work on Black Friday. Today, GYST crew would like to help you get your shit together by providing some tips and tricks that you should do as a consumer:

Be Polite – Being polite is probably one of the first thing that consumer forget to do. Imagine an employee spending an hour with you to go over all the different TV models and finding the best one for you, but then you turn around and walk away without thanking the employee. Not a single acknowledgement was given to him. Be better than that! Get Your Shit Together and turn around and say Thank You! In reality, this employee is making your day, he is providing a smile on your kids face, the least thing you can do is say Thank You for all his help.

Do Research – Don’t just go out to the store on the day of! Do your research beforehand and create a plan! If you know you will be doing large purchases at a specific store, then do 2 things: Go there a week ahead of time and scope out all the extra inventory. This way you will find out what products will most likely be on sale. Second thing you can do is buy discounted gift cards. You can find good deals of preloaded gift card which will end up saving you more money on top of discounted price.

Make a Budget – We can’t be called GYST group, if we don’t tell you to get your shit together and create a budget. How many times have you gone shopping on Black Friday and then realized you have spent $5000 over budget? Do differently this time! Create a list of all the items that you want to purchase and prioritize them. This will help you cut down on purchasing items that you might not need as bad while saving money. Now take this budget and buy a discounted

Just Wait – Not everything is a good deal. You might think that all the great sales come on Black Friday and door buster, but it has been proven that majority of the good sales are either the week before, cyber Monday, or during Christmas season. You might find an item for sale for 30%, but the week before it might have been 40% discount.

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