081: Staying Motivated and Hungry

by Aaron Eide, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila


Have you ever looked at someone and wondered damn what is it that they are doing that that we are not doing? Or have you ever wondered how is it that someone was broke one day, but sometime later they are the wealthiest people within their group? Or how is it that they have so much passion and excitement for something? Well, it comes down to one thing: Motivation.


Staying motivated is probably one of the hardest things that you can do. Sure, it sounds easy but we all know it’s a lot harder than that, especially for the people who are not as motivated. There are 3 mains things that go into being motivated: Passion, Visualization, and Self-evaluation.


Passion – If you have passion, you can achieve it all! Passion is something that drives people to create beautiful art and music, passion drives people to explore themselves and the world, passion is something that makes you HUNGRY to achieve that goal one way or another. If you have passion, you have your full heart in it which will always keep you motivated.


Visualization – One of the greatest Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “Walk away from the 97 percent. Don’t use their excuses. Take charge of your own life.” If you do that and visualize what you want, you will find your motivation. You have cars, house, entertainment system, play toys, and you have gotten those things because you have visualized it and owned it. Now, visualize yourself without it? How do you feel and what can you do to get it back? Instead of imagining what you can have, imagine how your life would be without it. No matter what it is, ask yourself what did it take to achieve those and what would it take to get it back if you lost it? Or moreover, is it even worth focusing yourself to earn that? This will help you get motivated by focusing on the right things.

Self-Evaluation – No matter where you start, at some point, you have to set goals and review them! It doesn’t matter if it’s work, personal or relationship, just set a goal. Then, remind yourself who you are doing it for? Remind yourself why you are here? If you are not providing value to your life or your close ones, then what are you doing?


Now, tune in to today’s episode to find out how does Rohit Rohila, Kyle Reed, and Aaron Eide stay motivated and how they have gotten their SH*T together!

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