065: Adventure Day!!!

by Amit Bhardwaj, Kyle Reed, Rohit Rohila, Sam Tea


A few weeks ago while having lunch, Kyle, Sam, and Rohit were talking about how they felt that we all didn’t hang out enough outside of lunches and recording podcasts. So we came up with an amazing, yet random, idea. Why not get together, draw each other’s names out of a hat, and then plan a 6-hour adventure day for that person. Then come back and record a podcast about it.
So we did just that. Amit and Kyle drew each other’s names, and Sam and Rohit drew each other’s names. At 9 am, we all checked our emails and got our instructions for the day. What followed was an epic day filled with adventure. And adventure that we would like to share with you.

Podcast episodes we mentioned in this podcast:

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